May is the “Month of PHP Security,” and 20 security flaws have been found in the open source PHP language itself, as well as in PHP
PHP News
Hi,I have started a Blog about using SQL in PHP scripts on Google App Engine.
PRADO 3.0 beta is now available for download. PRADO is component-based and event-driven for developing Web
For the Dreamweaver MX PHP developers who need to implement complex and interactive dynamic websites, ImpAKT 2 tNG is a tool for database application
In its year-end roundup of software development’s winners and losers, InfoWorld deemed 2009 a great year for smartphones, scripting languages, the
nWire for PHP is an Eclipse plugin which accelerates PHP development by helping developers navigate through their code and better understand the
Doulos is a framework for rapidly developing object-oriented web applications in PHP using the Model View Controller (MVC) paradigm. It elegantly
Microsoft yesterday re-released a Windows 7 installation tool that it admitted included open-source code, and has posted the utility’s source code
PHPortal version 0.2.4 released! Downloads:
Top PHP Studio is an Integrated Development Environment for PHP, providing a comprehensive solution for editing, testing and deploying PHP