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nWire for PHP Released

By Zviki Cohen
on September 15, 2009

nWire for PHP is an Eclipse plugin which accelerates PHP development by helping developers navigate through their code and better understand the architecture of their application. nWire was designed for developers who get lost in large and complex applications. It dramatically shortens the time it takes to read and understand the code and reduces the learning curve for new developers.

nWire was developed with support from Zend, the PHP Company, and works with the new Zend Studio 7.0 and Eclipse 3.5 (Galileo) with PHP Development Tools (PDT). It adds several new features:

The Navigator – a view for browsing any type of association in your code: type inheritance, interface implementation, method invocation and more – all in one central view.

The Visualizer – graphically browse the system elements and visualize the associations between them. The visualizer can be used to produce class diagrams, call hierarchies, file dependency graphs and much more.

Quick Search – search as you type for any element in the system, including methods and fields.

You can download nWire for a free trial. For more details, visit our web site at: