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Zoop Framework For PHP version 1.1 Released

By Steve Francia
on January 5, 2006

Zoop is an object-oriented framework for PHP based on a front controller. It is designed to be fast and efficient for the programmer. It is extensible, and you need only include the functionality you use. It features GuiControls (a PHP implementation of .net’s webcontrols), AJAX support and integration, automatic form validation and creation (including db integration), a Smarty templating system, PDF creation, session handling, and SMTP template-based email sending.

Version 1.1 provides:

    * Inclusion of Javascript Libraries into the framework (and not in the application skeleton).
    * Support for multiple AJAX libraries (Prototype and Dojo included).
    * A large number of bug fixes.
    * Full compatibility with php 4.3.10 and up, including php 5.1.
    * Speed improvements, clean-ups and memory optimizations.
    * New AJAX based guiControls.
    * A new skeleton with an example program.
    * Lots more documentation and tutorials.

We hope you enjoy this new release and as always, happy zooping!!