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Webyog Releases SQLyog v3.51

By Karam
on July 11, 2003

SQLyog v3.51 – The definitive Windows Front End for MySQL, has been released.

SQLyog is a superfast, compact and easy to use Front End for MySQL.

Some of the new features added in SQLyog 3.51 are –

-- Complete support for MySQL 4.1.
-- Improved SQL Editor.
-- Improved ODBC Import Tool.
-- BLOB data does not require double click for viewing if the data is < 255 bytes.
-- More compact and optimized executable ( 480 KB ). 
-- Lot of bugfixes and enhancements.

SQLyog 3.51 is available at an Introductory price of $49.

You can download a full featured Trial version of SQLyog at http://www.webyog.com/sqlyog/download.html