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Somethingleet.com presents: Concoding

By Chuck H.
on December 18, 2002

Have you ever wondered how automated sites such as http://www.deviantart.com work? Have you ever wanted to embellish your resume with various programming skills? Have you ever wanted to be able to code your own database-driven websites with ease, instead of using either rigid plain-HTML pages or cookie-cutter CMS sites? Or are you a seasoned programmer, looking for ways to hone your skills and improve your talents?

If you’ve answered yes to any of those questions, then have we got a site for you! Somethingleet.com is proud to present Concoding (http://concoding.somethingleet.com), a code repository featuring code snippets, scripts, and tutorials written by some of the best programmers on the Internet! Concoding features a simple, easily navigated layout, with some of the most comprehensive content around! There’s no way to describe the site with words, you simply have to see it yourself. So go and check it out!

One feature that programmers will find useful is the Concoding sidebar (http://concoding.somethingleet.com/?action=sidebar)! It works with Internet Explorer, Mozilla, and Netscape, and it loads right into the side of your browser, accompanying you amidst your ventures in programming. It provides easy access to common programming websites, including a searchbox linking you to Concoding, PHP.net, Perl.com, and several other sites. It also provides links to common places in sites such as w3schools, ASP.net, w3.org, XML.com, and other general links. It truly is a programmer’s best friend!

Concoding cannot be run by just me however, one thing that cannot be programmed is good, original content. That’s where you come in! We would love to share your code snippets with the world, whether they are trivial little tips or large tutorials. You will be given full credit, with a link to your site included. If you would like to help then please submit your tips (http://concoding.somethingleet.com/?action=submit), it’s a small inconvenience which can drive large amounts of traffic to your site, and give you the satisfaction that you have helped many.

<?php echo “Thanks for your support”; ?>