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Sitellite 4.0.7-RC Released!

By John Luxford
on May 17, 2004

Sitellite CMS 4.0.7-RC has been released, featuring tons of bug fixes, and some important new features as well, including:

— Added news/rss/viewer action so now it’s as simple as specifying the newsfeed URL to syndicate content from other sites.
— All major apps and add-ons (news, SiteForum, SiteSearch, SiteLinks, SiteFAQ, SiteGlossary, and SiteEvent) provide RSS news feeds, so syndicating content from a Sitellite web site is dead simple too.
— Added new packages SimpleCal and MiniCal for ultra-easy calendar rendering.
— Added a new “content filters” feature, allowing you to pass page content through a filter (ie. search term highlighting, glossary terms auto-linking, etc.) before being rendered in a template.
— Made big UI improvements to the Web Files browsing, adding several new search facets.
— New releases of SiteForum and SiteSearch add-ons, 2 new free add-ons, SiteFAQ and SiteGlossary, and 3 new commercial add-ons, SiteEvent, SiteConnector, and SiteLinks (available in Sitellite Professional Edition or separately).

Expect one last Release Candidate or a Stable version in the coming weeks.

For more info:
