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RazorSQL 4.1 Released

By Jay Pennington
on December 13, 2007

RazorSQL 4.1, a universal database query tool, SQL editor, and database navigator, is now available. RazorSQL enables users to query, update, navigate, and manage all major databases from one tool. Drivers and enhanced tools and system information are included
for DB2, Derby, Firebird, FrontBase, HSQLDB, Informix, MySQL,
OpenBase, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite, SQL Anywhere, SQL Server, and
Sybase. Connect to other databases via JDBC or ODBC (Windows only),
or via the RazorSQL PHP Bridge for MySQL.

New features in version 4.1 include drivers and enhanced support
for Firebird, FrontBase, Informix, OpenBase, and Sybase SQL Anywhere,
enhanced tools for creating and editing tables, an enhanced query
builder tool and new tools for creating, altering, and dropping
indexes, sequences, triggers, and views.

RazorSQL 4.1 is available for download at