PRADO is an event-driven and component-based framework for developing Web applications in PHP 5. Developing a PRADO Web application mainly involves instantiating prebuilt component types, configuring them by setting their properties, responding to their events by writing handler functions, and composing them into pages for the application. It is similar to ASP.NET in many aspects.
Version 1.5 is a major update to the previous 1.0 beta version. The new version reorganized the class tree structure and introduced the lightweight base class for components. It also added two important components: TRepeater and TAdodb. The former is similar to the repeater control in ASP.NET that can be used to display iterable data items. The latter is a wrapper component of ADODB class library.
This project is hosted on SourceForge at . You may also find online API documentation and a tutorial at the project homepage .