Command Prompt, Inc. (authors of Practical PostgreSQL from O’ReillY) are releasing their plPHP ( )to the open source community under the PHP License. Now you can create custom postgreSQL function using your favority scripting language (php) and utilize them in the database.
We will replace each line break in a text field with a html break tag (followed by a line break).
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION line_breaks(text) RETURNS text AS ' $txt = str_replace("n","<br>n", $arg0); if ($txt) { return $txt; } ' LANGUAGE 'plphp';
Then you can call your SELECT like so:dbname=# SELECT id, line_breaks(body) FROM table1 ; id | line_breaks ----+----------------------- 1 | Lots of text
body text r09u3
p2jend of text (1 row)