I am pleased to announce the release of PHPortal version 0.2.6 beta.
This is a major enhancment release with over 20 changes.
Sourceforge project:
Developer’s live/demo site
1. Added
Template App Object Type.
2. Added Script App Object type.
Modified Method App Object Type.
4. Version Integration. For renaming,
editing, adding, deleting objects, and for adding, editing, and deleting
5. Broke Control Class into subclasses.
6. Moved
product and control management classes to the apps directory.
7. The
Apps class now holds the four main objects as vars which are then available to
app directories if that class is a child.
8. Added Product Help App
Object Type.
9. Added Help Topic App Object Type.
10. Removed
user core class call from index.php file.
11. Added new copyright
headers to prepare for phpdoc integration.
12. siteRoot site config
variable used in index.php file for non document root installations.
Added new table ‘xpc_help’. This is a prelimenary rollout of the PHPortal help
system in local distros.
14. Added New default objects to the
manage/lib/setup sql data file.
15. Fixed the import/export folder
object action.
16. Added Control Panel Object folder into the
‘xpc_objects’ table.
17. Compare revisions in History Panel now uses new
tmp_file method lib instead of ftp.
18. Tree Trail moved to Method lib
from gate core Xpc class.
19. Overall load time speed of PHPortal code
runs quicker by 0.1 seconds.
20. tmpStore new Method Lib moved from gate
Xpc core class.
21. Out new Method Lib moved from gate Xpc core class.
22. get_error new Method Lib moved from gate Xpc core class.
New Products Folder in Control Panels which contaisn products from the
‘xpc_objects’ table has ‘define permissions’, ‘readme’, and ‘refresh’ panels.
1. Undo Panel
2. Find Panel
3. Owner
4. Add / Delete Product
5. Version Integration
Virtual Hosting
7. siteRoot
8. Access Rule
9. Define
Access Permissions
10. News App Object Type
11. Local User Roles
12. Import/Export Folder Hierarchies and Misc. Properties.
Management left nav object tree folder object custom folder icons