This release was a long time a coming.
Due to world events I have been quite and reasonably so distracted.
I am pleased to announce PHPortal version 0.1.9
Sourceforge project:
Developer’s live/demo site
Minor Bug Fixes, Minor Enhancements
tplmap – map templates and sql queries
makeform – create a SQl form with a template and a SQL table
formhandler – processes a makeform expression object form to either add a new
SQL row or edit an existing SQL row.
The site configurations have added errorReporting integer (PHP error number),
log boolean (on|off), cache boolean (on|off).
A new method added to the log core library to allow for a simple XML file
to store total pageviews per PHPortal domain and total for all domains.
+ Security Management Completion
+ Members Application (member specific available apps…)
+ HackCheck Expression
+ Span Exrpression
+ Graph Expression
+ Sessions Expression
+ XML database abstraction layer