Its Mike from 4arrow.
I have just released alpha version 0.1.3 of PHPortal. ->Downloads /> Sourceforge project – Developers site
PHPortal is a PHP WDE for developers that is similar in scope to Zope ( but not in scale.
PHPortal is basically a fun, fast, and organized way in which to build PHP applications through-the-web.
Search (find), and Email core libraries added.
Table, search apps (products) added.
In a future release you will have an option to use a local or remote help system (would require local download).
XML-RPC awareness has is active in a very limited manner as of now.
A lot of management bug fixes.
New methods for dynamic form creation. This allows for both template and html PHPortal Document types (used in Search App).
XPC-VAR – name=”xxx” is any Object Uri variables. Object variables can also be used to apss arguments to other tags via the {xxxx} tags.
XPC-INC – includes Document for parsing or as pure text
XPC-EXP – call a method app lib function
XPC-APP – calls a app directly
XPC-MTH – calls a Object of type Method (placed inline Document type objects). Methods can be called via their URI object directly as well.
More to come including a universal members app for all PHPortal site and or apps including specifying domains, sub-domains, or sub-sub-domains.