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PHP founder takes flight from Yahoo!

By Scott Clark
on November 12, 2009

Lerdorf announced his departure via the popular Web2.0rhea service Twitter. “Feels a bit odd to be unemployed. Probably crazy to leave the best job I have ever had,” he wrote, “but after 7+ years it was time for something new.”

Twitter is also where Lerdorf voiced his opinion of Yahoo!’s search pact with Microsoft back in July. “As lame as I feared,” he said. “Time to find a new job.”

Yahoo! told The Reg Lerdorf had resigned to pursue “other opportunities.’ And Lerdorf told us: “There is no juicy story here. I was there for over 7 years. It is a great place to work, and like I said, I am probably crazy for leaving. It was just time to try something different.”

Lerdorf is the second big name open source developer to leave Yahoo! in the wake of the Microsoft deal, which will see Redmond run Yahoo!’s search engine. On September 1, Hadoop founder Doug Cutting left Yahoo! for the Hadoop startup Cloudera. When he first announced his departure, Cutting said it had nothing to do with the Microhoo! pact. “This has been in the works for awhile and is unrelated,” he told the New York Times. “I am definitely not leaving in any sort of protest, and the thing I like least about this move is that it might be perceived that way.”

Read the whole story at http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/11/11/rasmus_lerdorf_leaves_yahoo/