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PHAkt 2.1.0 released for Dreamweaver MX

By Cristian Dorobantescu
on December 3, 2002

After 6 months of product usage, we have decided to correct all the known bugs and to release a new version of the powerful PHP server model.

The 2.1.0 release of the platform includes many improvements and bugfixes, and we have concentrated on this release to demonstrate our continued support for quality PHP development tools for Dreamweaver MX.

Notable improvements:
–Optimize the documentation and packaging
–Add PHP Variable filter in the Simple Recordset Dialog
–Correct data bindings and make them recognizable
–Support multiple database connections on the same page
–Correct a bug in dwscriptsExtData that caused the array SB parameters to be miss-sorted
–Include Macromedia’s requested MXI changes
–Better REQUEST_URI support on the Windows platform
–Correct PHAkt2’s redirect function to work on HTTPS servers
–Upgraded ADOdb to the 2.31 version
–Better Interbase support
–Improve postgreSQL data type reporting
–Modify ADODB to support magic_quotes_runtime=on
–Improve the connection dialog to allow special characters as “,$,

View more on PHAkt2 at http://www.interakt.ro/products/PHAkt/index.php