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NuSphere PhpED 4.5 is released

By Natalie
on April 3, 2006

NuSphere released PhpED 4.5, the next version of the PHP Development Environment.

New features are:
– Customizable Multi-Level Highlighting now supporting PHP4, PHP5, XML, XHTML, HTML, CSS, Perl, Python, Javascript, ASP, SQL, C/C++ and SMARTY

– Dynamic highlighting mode (switching between different highlighting schemes dependant on the cursor position)

– Internet Explorer Toolbar for remote debugging

– SQLite and Firebird support (in addition to MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle and PostgreSQL, supported in previous versions)

Take a look at the free trial version at <a href=”http://www.nusphere.com.” target=”_blank” target=”_new”>http://www.nusphere.com”>http://www.nusphere.com</a>.