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Navicat (MySQL Windows Client) ver 5.3.1 released

By Ken Lin
on September 30, 2003

PremiumSoft Navicat (MySQL Windows Client) version 5.3.1 is released.

Trial version URL : http://www.navicat.com/shareware.php3
Product Detail URL : http://www.navicat.com/detail.php3

Navicat version 5.3.1 includes these new features :
1.) Execute saved queries from command line.

2.) Save Import or Export wizard setting in a profile. You can execute saved profile from command line

3.) Support importing multiple MS Access tables at once.

4.) MySQL Server v4.1 support

5.) Duplicate Tables

6.) Empty Tables

7.) and more user friendliness improvement.

Registered customers would have one year free upgrade.

Support URL : http://www.navicat.com/support.php3