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Navicat (MySQL GUI) for Mac OS X is released

By Ken Lin
on August 4, 2004

Navicat (MySQL GUI) for Mac OS X (ver 5.2) is released. Support Batch Job Scheduling and MySQL version 4.1.3 or above.

Navicat (Mac OS X) ver 5.2 includes these new features :

New features:

1. Batch Job and Scheduling – Support Backup/Restore database, Import/Export Wizard, Data Transfer

2. Support MySQL version 4.1.3-beta (latest version of MySQL server)

3. Support [Set Null] in table data grid.

To download a free trial, please kindly visit at http://www.navicat.com

For more information on Mac OS X edition, please visit at http://mac.navicat.com

For more information on Windows version, please visit at http://www.navicat.com/detail.php3

For more information on Linux version, please visit at http://linux.navicat.com