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Navicat for MySQL (Windows) Version 8.1.15 is released

By Samantha Pang
on June 8, 2009

PremiumSoft today announces the release of Navicat for MySQL (Windows) Version 8.1.15. Navicat for MySQL is a graphical tool for managing, monitoring, and developing your MySQL database.

The new release enhances the user experience of database administration in Navicat for MySQL and fine tunes many of the operations.

Major New Features in Navicat?for MySQL (Windows) v8.1.15 include:

<li>Enhanced support of new MySQL server versions

<li>Support of Table Partitioning

<li>Support of Show Profile and Status in Query
<li>Support of multi-result set in Query and Stored <li>Procedure
<li>Ability to attach Export Wizard/Report result files in a Batch Job notification email
<li>Support of SQL Preview for all object design forms
<li>More table properties can be adjusted in Table design form
<li>Support of Preview and Explain in View Design Form

For more details, please see the release notes at http://mysql.navicat.com/soft_update_win.html
Or, download the 30-day fully functional free at: <a href=”http://www.navicat.com/download.html.” target=”_blank” target=”_new”>http://www.navicat.com/download.html”>http://www.navicat.com/download.html</a>.