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MX Newsletter 0.9.2 Released!

By Cristian Dorobantescu
on August 24, 2004

The new version of MX Newsletter comes with a special treat. The 0.9.2 release implements PHP_MySQL support. Hoping that this makes your life easier,we invite you to check out the other cool features listed below:

New features and triggers:

<ul><li>Increased time between mailing attempts (if the first one failed)</li>
<li>Changed from text to longtext the fields&nbsp;that store the newsletter text&nbsp;</li>
<li>Support for sending really large list </li>
<li>Triggers to delete the subscriber records from the database when unsubscribe button is hit</li></ul></ul>

$KT_SendMailParameters were renamed $KT_SMTPParameters;

<ul><li>Bug Fixes and New Buttons</li>
<li>Fixed the problems when attaching file</li>
<li>Added continue button for sending a saved newsletter</li></ul>

See the MXNewsletter demo at http://www.interaktonline.com/Products/MXNewsletter and understand how easy is to send e-mail campaigns to your registered clients or subscribed users!

Buy MX Newsletter and start from a working web application!