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InterAKT Summer Survey

By Cristian Dorobantescu
on August 24, 2004

InterAKT announces its Summer Survey, a study on the current trends in Dreamweaver extensions. In order to better understand the needs of the consumer, we request your help in this endeavor.

What are your necessities?

What features do you use?


To make your time worth wile, we offer an MX Looper Suite license for every person that fills at least 3 surveys. You are sure to be a winner, as there is no draw of lots for this one. Among those that fill all 5 of our surveys we will have 10 lucky winners of MX Kollection licenses, while another 10 will receive an InterAKT T-shirt.

The survey is made of a series of 5 independent steps, each addressing a different matter and all together complete a picture of the extension market. It is not mandatory that you fill in all steps of the survey but we would appreciate your complete opinion on all those issues.

Visit http://extranet.interaktonline.com/interakt/x_survey/survey/frontend.php and help shape the product of the future!