The new version corrects all the known bugs and improves the support for non-English Dreamweaver MX versions.
Notable bugfixes: --Finalized support for non-English versions of Dreamweaver MX (German, French); --Database connectivity improvements: -ADODB: change pg_getlastoid to pg_last_oid for PHP >= 4.2.0. Now _insertId works for PostgreSQL databases; -Added informix database support (EXPERIMENTAL - NOT TESTED); -Added a patch in ADODB - - to display connection errors; -Updated ADODB.php file to show postgresql connection errors correctly; -Correct FieldHasChanged problems in ADOdb. --Change $PHP_SELF to $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF'] in connection - BUG:295; --Improved the Server Formats support to allow adding new formats; --Various other improvements: -DecodeDynamicExpression wraps now in "<?php echo " instead of "<?php". That corrects some small bugs in editing dynamic values; -Correct the static menu generation (in commands); -Added the name parameter to DynRadioGroup SBs Object; -Correct the Dynamic Text Field recognition Bug; -Make Simple recordset default value for parameters "-1" instead of "1".
See more on PHAkt 2.4 at: