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HardCore WYSIWYG Editor v5.2.3 released

By Anna Peterson
on June 25, 2004

The HardCore editor enables non-technical users to create, edit, and post website content through a WYSIWYG editor with CSS style sheet support and drag and drop editing (to be used as a replacement for HTML form textarea tags).

Version 5.2.3 of the cross-browser/cross-platform web content editor for Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape and Mozilla web browsers adds:

– Advanced hyperlink and media manager dialog windows for Microsoft Windows Internet Explorer v5.0.

– Spell Checking (ASP, JSP and PHP versions) (44+ languages).

– Optional XHTML formatting of content.

– OnFocus and OnBlur handlers programming interface for web content editor input fields.

– Improved capacity and performance.

– Support for Mozilla v1.7 (v1.3 or newer) and Mozilla Firefox v0.9 (v0.7 or newer).

To try the new version of the editor please go here: http://editor.hardcoreinternet.co.uk.