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ChartDirector 4.1 Released – Professional Charts for PHP

By Peter Kwan
on August 30, 2006

Advanced Software Engineering this week announced the immediate availability of ChartDirector 4.1, a professional charting library for PHP.

The main new features in 4.1 include AJAX enabled user interactions support, allowing users to drag to zoom and drag to scroll charts, with the charts updated without refreshing the web page. There are also new lighting effects that emulates glassy materials, improvements in mark up text suppport within charts, and compressed image map support.

ChartDirector’s layering architecture enables charts to be synthesized using standard chart layers. It’s comprehensive
chart types include pie, donut, bar, line, spline, step line, trend line, curve-fitting, area, band, scatter, bubble, floating box, box-whisker, waterfall, finance, gantt, vector, radar, polar, rose. In additional to charts ChartDirector also supports both linear and angular meters and guages.

Please visit http://www.advsofteng.com for more information. Free trial available.