PHP Tutorials

Whether just getting started or an expert, this vast collection of PHP tutorials will help you create dynamic content for powerful web-based applications in no time.

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The hardest concept I’ve tried to understand since beginning to use PHP was that of classes. I’d never used a database engine but learning to use

By Rod Kreisler on December 13, 2000 When I wrote my first article on this subject, my intention was NOT to provide working code but rather to provide a thought process that individuals could use to solve their own unique problems. Judging by some of the comments and questions posted…

By Rod Kreisler on December 13, 2000 The $where variable is a little difficult to explain. If your code generates a dynamic where clause based upon data passed to the script, you will need to construct the $where variable. It is not entirely safe to pass the EXACT where clause…

By Rod Kreisler on December 13, 2000 In conclusion our page would look something like this: <?php function pagenav() {     global $limit,$offset,$numpage,$where;     if ($where) {         $safewhere=urlencode($where);     }     echo ”     <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=5 WIDTH=100>     <TR>         <TD ALIGN=RIGHT>”;         if ($offset>=$limit) {             $newoff=$offset-$limit;                          echo “<A HREF=”$PHP_SELF?offset=$newoff&where=$safewhere”>                 &lt;– PREV</A>                 </TD>”;         } else {             echo “&lt;– PREV”;         }         echo “<TD ALIGN=CENTER> &nbsp; “;         for ($i=1;$i<=$numpage;$i++) {             if ((($i-1)*$limit)==$offset) {                 print “$i “;             } else {                 $newoff=($i-1)*$limit;                 echo “<A HREF=”$PHP_SELF?offset=$newoff&where=$safewhere”>                     $i</A> “;             }         }         echo “&nbsp; </TD>         <TD ALIGN=LEFT>”;         if ($offset!=$limit*($numpage-1)) {             $newoff=$offset+$limit;             echo “<A HREF=”$PHP_SELF?offset=$newoff&where=$safewhere”>…