PHP Tutorials

Whether just getting started or an expert, this vast collection of PHP tutorials will help you create dynamic content for powerful web-based applications in no time.

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By Tim Perdue on November 12, 2000 My July Article comparing PostgreSQL and MySQL caused a stir that really surprised me. Of course, users of both databases called the tests rigged one way or the other, even though I noted that both databases had their strong points under various circumstances….

By Tim Perdue on November 12, 2000 As it turns out, the PostgreSQL team has been working incredibly hard on the 7.1 release. Not only did they solve my pet peeve (the 8k row limit), but apparently they’ve made massive strides in performance and reliability. My install of Postgres 7.02…

By Tim Perdue on November 12, 2000 Pleasantly Surprised With 30 clients pounding the test machine, Postgres chugged along at 3.76 pages per second. That sounded really bad at first, until we ran the same test on MySQL. MySQL did so poorly that we eventually cancelled the test and reduced…

By Tim Perdue on November 12, 2000 The Forum Summary Test This was another simple test that I again expected MySQL would win handily. It involves basically joining two tables and grouping to get a count of matching items in the second table. Nothing mind boggling. Performance of count(*)’s have…

By Tim Perdue on July 30, 2000 Easy, right? Instead of echoing the values, you can insert them into a database or do whatever you need to do. Over the past year, I’ve created a bunch of utilities that help me code faster. Utilities that create HTML select boxes, multiple…

By Tim Perdue on July 30, 2000 This next one is a bit more complex. It builds the multiple select boxes, and since multiple rows can be selected, you have to pass in a name with [] at the end, and pass in an array of checked items. <?php function build_multiple_select_box ($result,$name,$checked_array,$size=’8′) {…

By Tim Perdue on July 30, 2000 So how about some examples of using it? The following code generated the sample box above directly from the database. To be honest, I ripped this directly out of the task manager that I wrote for SourceForge. It’s OK, because VA Linux is…