#native_company# #native_desc#

Arrays, HTML and PHP Page 4

By Tim Perdue
on July 30, 2000

So how about some examples of using it? The following code generated the sample
box above directly from the database. To be honest, I ripped this directly out of the
task manager that I wrote for SourceForge. It’s OK, because VA Linux is GPLing all of this
code anyway.



    List of possible users that this one could be assigned to


$sql="SELECT user.user_id,user.user_name ".

"FROM user,user_group WHERE user.user_id=user_group.user_id ".

"AND user_group.group_id='$group_id' AND user_group.project_flags IN (1,2)";



    Get the list of ids this is assigned to and convert to array

    to pass into multiple select box


$result2=db_query("SELECT assigned_to_id FROM project_assigned_to WHERE project_task_id='$project_task_id'");



Not too difficult, right? Now on to the receiving page…




    DELETE THEN Insert the people this task is assigned to


$toss=db_query("DELETE FROM project_assigned_to WHERE project_task_id='$project_task_id'");

for ($i=0$i<$user_count$i++) {

$sql="INSERT INTO project_assigned_to VALUES ('','$project_task_id','$assigned_to[$i]')";




I hope this is all very useful. Please and let me know
if you have created some utilities that others could use.
