This next one is a bit more complex. It builds the multiple select boxes, and since
multiple rows can be selected, you have to pass in a name with [] at the end, and
pass in an array of checked items.
multiple rows can be selected, you have to pass in a name with [] at the end, and
pass in an array of checked items.
function build_multiple_select_box ($result,$name,$checked_array,$size='8') {
Takes a result set, with the first column being the "id" or value
and the second column being the text you want displayed
The second parameter is the name you want assigned to this form element
The third parameter is an array of checked values;
The fourth parameter is optional. Pass the size of this box
for (
$i=0; $i<$rows; $i++) {
echo '
<OPTION VALUE="'.db_result($result,$i,0).'"';
Determine if it's checked
for ($j=0; $j<$checked_count; $j++) {
if ($val == $checked_array[$j]) {
echo ' SELECTED';
echo '>'.db_result($result,$i,1).'</OPTION>';
echo '
This last function is utilitarian. I built it to quickly take a set of selected
items and turn it into an array that I could pass to build_multiple_select_box().
items and turn it into an array that I could pass to build_multiple_select_box().
function result_column_to_array($result, $col=0) {
Takes a result set and turns the optional column into
an array
for ($i=0; $i<$rows; $i++) {
return $array;