There is nothing fanncy about It creates the web
page with several layers of tables. The whole web page is contructed in
tables for strict alignment of components and to maintain consistant
rendering across different browsers.
page with several layers of tables. The whole web page is contructed in
tables for strict alignment of components and to maintain consistant
rendering across different browsers.
The design goal of class.layout is flexibility and speed. The whole class
is about 900 lines of code and provides the following functions:
is about 900 lines of code and provides the following functions:
function insert($p,$c) function defsetting($a) function newhtml(&$w,$a = "") function printhtml($w) function table($a = "") function cell($a = "") function image($s,$a,$ni = "") function anchor($h,$s,$a = "") function block($t,$ni = "") function text($t,$a = "") function form($a = "") function alist($t,$c,$a = "") function comment($m) function generic($t,$a = "") function container($t,$a = "") function script($c,$a = "") function wheader($t) function heading($l,$c,$a = "" ) function button($a) function checkbox($a,$t,$c = "") function inputfile($a) function hidden($a) function imagebutton($s,$a) function password($a) function radio($a,$t,$c = "") function freset($a) function submit($a) function input_text($a) function select($o,$a,$s = "") function textarea($a,$m = "") function imagemap($a) function area($a) function layer($a) function nolayer($m) function frameset($a) function frame($a) function noframe($m) function style($m,$a) function insert($c)
You may start to convert your existing HTML page into PHP script using
this class.graph. Believe me, it is really fun when you don’t have to
worry about echoing and printing everywhere. Here is the style I use
for web applications programming.
this class.graph. Believe me, it is really fun when you don’t have to
worry about echoing and printing everywhere. Here is the style I use
for web applications programming.
<?php include("reusable code"); define local functions; call application related functions (getting data from database etc.) start html with newhtml(&$w); construct page .... print page with printhtml($w); ?>