#native_company# #native_desc#

A new extension for PHP4 is now available

By Steohane Degre
on April 1, 2004

Dear PHP community,

We are two French students.
We study computer sciences at the “Universite Louis Pasteur” of Strasbourg.
During our fourth year, we had to create a project.
We chose to develop an extension for the PHP community.
“att_codec” is the name of our extension. It is written in C language and id usable with PHP4.
It is based on the widely used C-library UUDeview.
This extension provides with a lot of functions that are able to code/decode large mails attachments (Formats: base64, UUEncoding, XXEncoding, Yenc).

It is heberged by sourceforge. You can download the sources, the binaries
and the documentation in the following address :
You can also consult our web site in the following address :

Yours sincerely,
Stephane Degre,
Renaud Hager