In an effort to bring high ease of use, some of us provide a HTML styled select or drop-down list
of selections the user can make. It’s not too hard to have PHP build a variable that holds a select
option list such as:
of selections the user can make. It’s not too hard to have PHP build a variable that holds a select
option list such as:
$OptionList = ""; $First = 1;
while ($Row = mysql_fetch_array($Result, MYSQL_ASSOC))
$ContactID = $Row["ContactID"];
$Company = $Row["Company"];
if ($First)
$SelMsg = " selected"; $First = 0;
$SelMsg = "";
$Line = "<option value='".$ContactID."'".$SelMsg.">".$Company."</option>n";
$OptionList .= $Line;
We might (I do) have a button on a main screen that says [Select Contact] for the user to make
their selection in a second window. This first window has a JavaScript function that opens a PHP
page to bring back a number of values from the Contacts database like Company and Name, as read
via a key value the user can supply in a form.
their selection in a second window. This first window has a JavaScript function that opens a PHP
page to bring back a number of values from the Contacts database like Company and Name, as read
via a key value the user can supply in a form.
The first screen then contains this JavaScript function to just go “read” a Contacts record.
The PHP screen GetVals.php is my own database read-and-post-back generic utility.
The PHP screen GetVals.php is my own database read-and-post-back generic utility.
var newWin3 = null; function doContactID() { var ContactID = document.forms.BoothUpd.ContactID.value; var URL = '../code/GetVals.php?Filename=Contacts&IDname=ContactID&IDval= ' + ContactID + '&Fields=Company,Type,RepID'; var params = 'top=20,left=80,width=300,height=200,minimized=yes,resizable=yes, scrollbars=no,titlebar=no,menubar=no,status=no'; if (!newWin3 || newWin3.closed) { newWin3 =,"",params); } if (newWin3.opener == null) { newWin3.opener = self; } newWin3.focus(); }