A sample XML_RPC Client and Server.
In this silly (really) example we build a server that given a number “n” returns “n*2”, and a client that
uses the method to determine “5*2” WOW!
uses the method to determine “5*2” WOW!
The server:
foo ($params)
global $xmlrpcerruser; // import user errcode value
// $params is an Array of xmlrpcval objects
return new xmlrpcresp(new xmlrpcval($ret, "int"));
$s=new xmlrpc_server( array("product" => array("function" => "foo")));
The client:
if (
$f=new xmlrpcmsg('product',
array(new xmlrpcval($HTTP_POST_VARS["number"], "int")));
$c=new xmlrpc_client("/xmlrpc/servfoo.php", "luigi.melpomenia.com.ar", 80);
if (!$r->faultCode())
print "Number ". $HTTP_POST_VARS["number"] . " is " .
$v->scalarval() . "<BR>";
print "<HR>I got this value back<BR><PRE>" .
htmlentities($r->serialize()). "</PRE><HR>n";
print "Fault: ";
print "Code: " . $r->faultCode() .
" Reason '" .$r->faultString()."'<BR>";
<INPUT NAME="number" VALUE="${number}"><input type="submit" value="go" name="submit"></FORM><P>
enter a number";
There’s lot of infraestructure work to make the web of services XML_RPC enabled, there must be a catalog
or indexing mechanism for distributed procedures and better interfaces to handle XML_RPC from programming
languages, perhaps a XML_RPC PHP extension will do the work.
There will be lot of news about XML_RPC and the web of services in the future, we’d better watch.
or indexing mechanism for distributed procedures and better interfaces to handle XML_RPC from programming
languages, perhaps a XML_RPC PHP extension will do the work.
There will be lot of news about XML_RPC and the web of services in the future, we’d better watch.