PHP & JavaScript World Domination Series: Storing data in the client.
Ok, then and just for your “testing” purposes the “form” frame:
if (!isset($timestamp)) {
// Display form, use JavaScript to get last timestamp.
if (isset($msg)) {
$query="insert into testeable(timestamp,message) values(now(),'$msg')";
// Now get all messages after last_time.
$query="select * from testeable where timestamp>'$tt'";
while($res=mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
if($res["timestamp"]>$timestamp) {
// No I have the max timestamp...
// Using JavaScript, we can set those values...
for($i=0;$i<$count($msgs);$i++) {
<form name="foo" action="<?php print("$PHP_SELF"); ?>" method="post">
Message:<input type="text" name="msg">
<input type="submit" name="newmsg" value="send">
Note that we make the display refresh from the “form” frame this is nice to the
chat user since it sees his message and the new ones as soon as he submits his
text. Users like this since it adds some dynamic to the chat mechanism. The form
frame is very similar to the loader as you can see.
We have presented you a powerful technique to minimize client-server transfers
storing data in the client and to reduce server load making the client execute
the complex display routines. You have the power, go and conquer the world.