In order to place the data into the nicely-designed HTML pages, we
either get the designers to embed our PHP codes in appropriate
locations in their designs and remind them to remember to name
their pages as <filename>.php before they publish or we (programmers)
do it ourselves. I used to adopt the latter option, but in the end,
I got blamed for messing up their HTML-codes 🙁
either get the designers to embed our PHP codes in appropriate
locations in their designs and remind them to remember to name
their pages as <filename>.php before they publish or we (programmers)
do it ourselves. I used to adopt the latter option, but in the end,
I got blamed for messing up their HTML-codes 🙁
And when the time comes to change the layout or design of the HTML page, I would have to “remember” to insert
PHP codes into appropriate positions again. Any slight omission of codes, the whole team (designers) would again look
at me, this time, frowning.
PHP codes into appropriate positions again. Any slight omission of codes, the whole team (designers) would again look
at me, this time, frowning.
This had set me to think: If I could come up with a way that we (coders and designers) could work together without
either party pointing fingers at the other, efficiency and productivity would be increased. So, I spent time on
developing a way to let us conduct our work independently and yet communicable at the end of the day.
either party pointing fingers at the other, efficiency and productivity would be increased. So, I spent time on
developing a way to let us conduct our work independently and yet communicable at the end of the day.
Once again, let us programmers save the day! 🙂 We will make the
designers be happy by letting them only do design. Let them design
their pretty pages for all they want; while we coders, code what
needs to be coded. The idea is as follows:
designers be happy by letting them only do design. Let them design
their pretty pages for all they want; while we coders, code what
needs to be coded. The idea is as follows: