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OO Design: Abstract Classes Page 6

By Jonathan Griffin
on February 10, 2003

Example: Interfaces

For our second example, we will see how an abstract class can be used as an interface. We will start out
by designing a few objects that will be a part of a fictitious web application for home-automation (one of
my favorite hobbies). We want to build a web interface to control our various home devices (i.e. lights,
toaster, stereo). However, not all of our devices speak the same language, or protocol. While the X-10 protocol
still dominates the market, we find several other home-automation protocols creeping in. The four major
contenders among home-automation protocols are:
  • X-10
  • LONworks
  • CEBus (EIA IS-60)
  • Smart House
The implementation for each of these protocols varies significantly. Yet, amongst these protocols the same
common control functionality exists: (1) turning on a device, (2) turning off a device, and (3) getting the
status of a device. Our interface will provide a template for this common functionality. We’ll name our
interface Control. As you can see, the methods do not contain any code.


class Control


on() {}

off() {}

getStatus() {}



Earlier I mentioned providing well-written comments in our code. This helps the implementer have a clear
understanding of what behavior is expected. Therefore, we’ll update our example with appropriate comments.



 * Class:   Control

 *  Type:   Interface


 * Purpose: A template for common control functionality

 *          of home automated devices.


 * Methods: on()

 *          off()

 *          getStatus()


 * Error Codes

 * -----------

 * 0 - No errors occurred during transmission.

 * 1 - An error occurred during transmission.



 * API Developers

 * --------------

 * Be sure to provide appropriate functionality for each

 * method. The application will dynamically instantiate

 * the appropriate protocol for a selected device, and will

 * expect consistent control functionality.


class Control





     * Do not allow instantiation of Control class.

     * Prevent non subclass from calling constructor.


if ( !is_subclass_of($this"Control") ) {

trigger_error("Control instantiation from non subclass."E_USER_ERROR);





on() {}         // Turn on a device.

function off() {}        // Turn off a device.

function getStatus() {}  // Get the status of a device.



Now that we have our interface defined, let’s implement a protocol. We will work with the X-10 protocol,
since it is the most popular one. We will inherit from Control, and provide the appropriate
implementation in X10_Control.
