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MySQL Date and Time Functions, Part 2 Page 2

By Ian Gilfillan
on February 22, 2007

  • DAYOFWEEK(datetime)
    Returns a numeric corresponding to the day of the week (from 1 for Sunday to 7 for Saturday)
  • mysql> SELECT DAYOFWEEK('2003-07-14');
    | DAYOFWEEK('2003-07-14') |
    |                       2 |

  • DAYOFYEAR(datetime)
    Returns a numeric (from 1-366) corresponding to the day of the year
  • mysql> SELECT DAYOFYEAR(‘2003-07-14’);
    | DAYOFYEAR(‘2003-07-14’) |
    | 195 |

  • EXTRACT(datetimetype FROM datetime)
    Returns the portion of the datetime corresponding to the supplied datetimetype
  • mysql> SELECT EXTRACT(HOUR_MINUTE FROM '2003-07-14 12:32:14');
    | EXTRACT(HOUR_MINUTE FROM '2003-07-14 12:32:14') |
    |                                            1232 |

  • FROM_DAYS(number_of_days)
    Converts the supplied numeric into a date based upon the number of days since 1 Jan of the year 0 (without taking days lost in the change to the Gregorian calendar into account)
  • mysql> SELECT FROM_DAYS(731682);
    | FROM_DAYS(731682) |
    | 2003-04-12        |

  • FROM_UNIXTIME(unix_timestamp [,format_string])
    Converts a Unix timestamp into a date, with the optional format string determining how it is specified
  • mysql> SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(1064431682);
    | FROM_UNIXTIME(1064431682) |
    | 2003-09-24 21:28:02       |

  • HOUR(time)
    Returns a numeric (from 0-23) for the hour of the specified time
  • mysql> SELECT HOUR('12:32:15');
    | HOUR('12:32:15') |
    |               12 |

  • MINUTE(time)
    Returns a numeric (from 0-59) for the minute of the specified time
  • mysql> SELECT MINUTE('12:32:12');
    | MINUTE('12:32:12') |
    |                 32 |

  • MONTH(datetime)
    Returns a numeric (from 1-12) for the month of the specified date
  • mysql> SELECT MONTH('2003-07-12');
    | MONTH('2003-07-12') |
    |                   7 |

  • MONTHNAME(datetime)
    Returns the full name of the month for the specified date.
  • mysql> SELECT MONTHNAME('2003-07-12');
    | MONTHNAME('2003-07-12') |
    | July                    |

  • NOW()
    Returns the current timestamp.
  • mysql> SELECT NOW();
    | NOW()               |
    | 2003-04-14 12:14:45 |

  • PERIOD_ADD(period, months)
    Adds the months to the period (YYMM or YYYYMM) returning the result as YYYYMM
  • mysql> SELECT PERIOD_ADD(200307,6);
    | PERIOD_ADD(200307,6) |
    |               200401 |

  • PERIOD_DIFF(period, period)
    Returns the number of months between the two periods (which are specified as YYMM or YYYYMM)
  • mysql> SELECT PERIOD_DIFF(200307,200209);
    | PERIOD_DIFF(200307,200209) |
    |                         10 |

  • QUARTER(datetime)
    Returns a numeric (from 1-4) for the quarter of the specified date
  • mysql> SELECT QUARTER('2003-07-12');
    | QUARTER('2003-07-12') |
    |                     3 |

  • SEC_TO_TIME(seconds)
    Converts the seconds to a time
  • mysql> SELECT SEC_TO_TIME(2349);
    | SEC_TO_TIME(2349) |
    | 00:39:09          |

  • SECOND(time)
    Returns the seconds for a specified time
  • mysql> SELECT SECOND('12:32:11');
    | SECOND('12:32:11') |
    |                 11 |

  • SUBDATE(datetime, INTERVAL expression datetimetype)
    A synonym for DATE_SUB()
    A synonym for NOW()
  • TIME_FORMAT(time, format_string)
    A subset of DATE_FORMAT dealing only with times
  • mysql> SELECT TIME_FORMAT('2003-07-14 11:23:19','%r');
    | TIME_FORMAT('2003-07-14 11:23:19','%r') |
    | 11:23:19 AM                             |

  • TIME_TO_SEC(time)
    Returns the time converted to seconds
  • mysql> SELECT TIME_TO_SEC('11:23:19');
    | TIME_TO_SEC('11:23:19') |
    |                   40999 |

  • TO_DAYS(datetime)
    Returns the number of days passed since 1 Jan the year 0 for the specified date (not taking into account Gregorian calendar confusions)
  • mysql> SELECT TO_DAYS('2003-07-12');
    | TO_DAYS('2003-07-12') |
    |                731773 |

  • UNIX_TIMESTAMP([datetime])
    Returns a Unix timestamp for the current datetime, or the one specified
    |       1050315703 |

  • WEEK(datetime [,week_start])
    Returns a numeric (from 0-53) for the week of the supplied datetime. Weeks start on Sunday unless the optional week_start argument is set to 1, in which case weeks are assumed to start on Monday
  • mysql> SELECT WEEK('2003-07-12');
    | WEEK('2003-07-12') |
    |                 27 |

  • WEEKDAY(datetime)
    Returns the day of the week for the supplied date, from 0 for Monday to 6 for Sunday
  • mysql> SELECT WEEKDAY('2003-07-12');
    | WEEKDAY('2003-07-12') |
    |                     5 |
  • YEAR(datetime)
    Returns the year of the specified date
  • mysql> SELECT YEAR('2003-07-12');
    | YEAR('2003-07-12') |
    |               2003 |

  • YEARWEEK(datetime [,week_start])
    Returns a combination of year and week for the specified date. The week_start argument works the same as for the WEEK() function.
  • mysql> SELECT YEARWEEK('2003-07-12');
    | YEARWEEK('2003-07-12') |
    |                 200327 |

    This article originally appeared on DatabaseJournal.com.