We’ll make a nice and simple 3-script based mail reader.
The first script will be to read in your IMAP username and
password. We will use the standard PHP authentication for that.
password. We will use the standard PHP authentication for that.
login.php3 contains:
if (!$PHP_AUTH_USER) {
Header("WWW-authenticate: basic realm="Mail Chek"");
Header("HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized");
} else {
Header("Location: $SERVER_NAME$MYDIR/messages.php3");
This simply reads in your username and password and redirects you to
the read mail reading page.
the read mail reading page.
messages.php3 contains:
$x=1; $x < count($headers); $x++) {
echo "<a href="view.php3?num=$x">$headers[$idx]</a><br>";
It opens up an IMAP connection to the mailserver specified by
$MAILSERVER, passing in your username and password.
$MAILSERVER, passing in your username and password.
It then get a list of all the messgae headers and in a loop,
prints them all out. Besides printing them out, it also makes
each one a link to view.php3, passing it that message number.
prints them all out. Besides printing them out, it also makes
each one a link to view.php3, passing it that message number.
view.php3 contains:
"From: $header[fromaddress]<br>";
echo "To: $header[toaddress]<br>";
echo "Date: $header[Date]<br>";
echo "Subject: $header[Subject]<br><br>";
echo imap_body($link,$num);
view.php3 opens up the IMAP connection the same as above, and gets the
mail message’s header information and prints it out.
mail message’s header information and prints it out.
It then reads in the body of the mail message and prints that out to
the screen.
the screen.
Thats it! You now have a functional web based mail reader…Hotmail
watch out, here comes php! ;^)
watch out, here comes php! ;^)