What we have just succeeded in doing is simulating an HTTPS post, so imagine
you just filled out a form on the web and pressed submit.
you just filled out a form on the web and pressed submit.
There are tons of uses for this type of technology out there. For instance, I just had to
deal with a with the Australian wing of a company and they needed to use the US’s central
database for adding new users and queries. The US have setup a page that listens for
specific data, including the UserID of the Australian wing and reutrns back a “0” on
pass and a negative code on fail, we were supplied with the list of error codes so we
could report back to the customer.
deal with a with the Australian wing of a company and they needed to use the US’s central
database for adding new users and queries. The US have setup a page that listens for
specific data, including the UserID of the Australian wing and reutrns back a “0” on
pass and a negative code on fail, we were supplied with the list of error codes so we
could report back to the customer.
Here are a few things to note before you try to make this work.
- cURL will need SSL libraries installed for it to talk SSL, I used open SSL 0.9.4
- cURL can do HEAPS of other stuff and talk lots of different protocols, such as FTP,HTTP,TELNET,GOPHER,FILE & LDAP.
If you have and questions or comments, please forward them onto me at matt@yourweb.com.au.
Matt Allen