What do I do?
There is a nifty little utilisty out there called cURL (http://curl.haxx.nu)
that is run via command line or the EXEC() function in PHP. Here is an
example of some PHP code that talks SSL.
that is run via command line or the EXEC() function in PHP. Here is an
example of some PHP code that talks SSL.
exec("/usr/local/bin/curl -m 120 -d "$data" https://$URL -L",$return_message_array, $return_number);
for (
$i = 0; $i < count($return_message_array); $i++) {
$results = $results.$return_message_array[$i];
$res = explode(",",$results);
if (
$res[0]=="0") {
print "Passed !!";
} else {
print "Failed :-(";
Let’s run though this code.
The $URL is obviously the server which is waiting for you secure post.
The exec() function called the curl app and passed it the following parameters:
The exec() function called the curl app and passed it the following parameters:
- -m 120 – this is the timeout in seconds
- -d $data – this is the data that willl be posted to the server, it is in “key=value&key=value” format.
- -L comes AFTER the location you are posting to.
The data is returned into $return_message_array, each new line being a new element in the array.
$results ends up being a concatination of all the rows reutrned, just in case there was a line break in there
$res becomes an array containing all the results, this example assumes the results where a
comma seperated list, some other examples of common deliminators are “|” and “:”.
$results ends up being a concatination of all the rows reutrned, just in case there was a line break in there
$res becomes an array containing all the results, this example assumes the results where a
comma seperated list, some other examples of common deliminators are “|” and “:”.
This example relies on the first element in $res to be the “return code” from the bank,
each institution has a different rule for this, so make sure your check up.
each institution has a different rule for this, so make sure your check up.