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HTTPS transactions with PHP Page 2

By Matt Allen
on July 30, 2000

What do I do?
There is a nifty little utilisty out there called cURL (http://curl.haxx.nu)
that is run via command line or the EXEC() function in PHP. Here is an
example of some PHP code that talks SSL.



exec("/usr/local/bin/curl -m 120 -d "$data" https://$URL -L",$return_message_array$return_number);

for ($i 0$i count($return_message_array); $i++) {

$results $results.$return_message_array[$i];


$res explode(",",$results);

if ($res[0]=="0") {

"Passed !!";

} else {

"Failed :-(";



Let’s run though this code.
The $URL is obviously the server which is waiting for you secure post.
The exec() function called the curl app and passed it the following parameters:
  1. -m 120 – this is the timeout in seconds
  2. -d $data – this is the data that willl be posted to the server, it is in “key=value&key=value” format.
  3. -L comes AFTER the location you are posting to.
The data is returned into $return_message_array, each new line being a new element in the array.
$results ends up being a concatination of all the rows reutrned, just in case there was a line break in there
$res becomes an array containing all the results, this example assumes the results where a
comma seperated list, some other examples of common deliminators are “|” and “:”.
This example relies on the first element in $res to be the “return code” from the bank,
each institution has a different rule for this, so make sure your check up.