With more and more e-commerce sites popping up around the world, the amount
of transaction servers will need to grow to support them all. Many of the
newer e-comms providers have made life easier for us developers by developing
a web based environment to execute their transactions. Let me explain.
of transaction servers will need to grow to support them all. Many of the
newer e-comms providers have made life easier for us developers by developing
a web based environment to execute their transactions. Let me explain.
What do they do ?
While some providers make you install application on your servers to talk
to their servers a lot now avoid that situation by doing the following.
to their servers a lot now avoid that situation by doing the following.
- Setup an HTTPS server that is locked down to only your IP
- Setup a page on that server that listens for a specific set of values
- When you post to that server, it takes those values and does whatever it
- Returns a page with the results in it.
has to do (talk to the bank, setup an account etc..)