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How to import Excel, Access or XML data into a MySQL db Page 2

By Kenlin
on January 24, 2005

Export data by using Export Wizard

1. Click the Tables tab

2. Select the table which you want to export data. Click Export Wizard at the Database Window


Right-click anywhere in the Database Window and select Export Wizard

3. An Export Wizard dialog box will be shown.

4. Please select which data format you want and click OK button to proceed

Other features of Navicat:

Some of the Navicat key features are listed below:

1.) Support Multiple Connections for local or remote MySQL servers

2.) Browse databases, Modify your data, Create and delete databases, tables, indexes and users accounts

3.) Create or Run SQL queries with visual query builder

4.) Create reports with visual report builder, Reports can be saved as an archive file (.raf) for backup and increased portability.

5.) Manage user privileges [security configuration]

6.) Backup/Restore your database, The new Schedule Backup feature is used to create a new schedule that will backup your data.

7.) Data Transfer – Support transfer databases from one MySQL server to another MySQL server (1. Local to Remote , 2. Remote to Remote, 3. Remote to Local)

8.) Import/Export data – The Import and Export Wizard would help you to import/export data. It supports up to 18 most popular formats including MS Access, MS Excel, XML, PDF and TXT.

Tips on Setup Connection between Navicat and your MySQL server :

Localhost connection setting

If you installed MySQL database on your local PC (Download URL: http://www.mysql.com/downloads/mysql-3.23.html ), the default username is “root” and password is empty.

Localhost connection setting is similiar as following :
Host : localhost
Username : root
Password : (empty)
Port : 3306 (default)

Before you established local connection between Navicat and your local MySQL server, you should use the Launcher program to start your local MySQL server (you could also use another program to start your local MySQL server) (Path: C:mysqlbinwinmysqladmin.exe).

Remote Connection setting

After the MySQL database was installed, it would only allow ‘localhost’ connection by default. Therefore, most server-side scripts programs (e.g. phpMyAdmin) can connect with the local database in the same server. You could use Telnet or an SSH program to manage your remote server because it’s a localhost connection.

Any client PCs will be blocked by the remote MySQL server until the user privileges has been configured.

Remote connection setting is similiar as following :

Host : IPaddress of remote MySQL server
Username : Your_username (username is ‘root’ if you just installed the MySQL server)
Password : Your_password (Emtpy value if you just installed the MySQL server)
Port : 3306 (default)

NOTE: Navicat would be able to access your remote MySQL server no matter if is running on Linux, Unix, Mac or a Windows platform. If you couldn’t connect your remote MySQL server via the Internet, you can check the Navicat web site for a detailed explanation on MySQL Privileges System.

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