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Getting Started with PHP/Ming Page 2

By Iman S. H. Suyoto
on August 10, 2001

Installing PHP/Ming on Debian GNU/Linux

Okay, I’ll use $MINGINST to state Ming
installation directory. For example, in my computer, the
installation directory is /usr/apps/src/ming-0.1.1.
So, if I say $MINGINST/php_ext, it means
My initial (intuitive, again) step was trying to recompile
the source code to get the shared object. The README
stated that the first thing to do was simply typing make
. This produced $MINGINST/libming.a and
some object files under $MINGINST/src. Next, still
following the README, I changed directory to
$MINGINST/php_ext and typed make.
Whew… lots of errors. I read the error messages and they were
about header files being not found. Maybe you think that it
shouldn’t be a problem if we have apt-got (err… perfect form
of apt-get…) install php4-dev (for your
information, I’m using the stable version). The fact is: it is,
and it is because of the Debian directory layout that
“confuses” php-config --includes being used inside
Makefile. The same thing also applies for
php-config --extension-dir.

With such a condition, in such a “quick and dirty” way, I
modified Makefile so it became like this:
(includes wrapped for formatting for this example)

prefix=`php-config --prefix`

includes=-I /usr/include/php4/main -I /usr/include/php4/Zend 
-I /usr/include/php4/ext/standard -I /usr/include/php4 
-I /usr/include/php4/TSRM


CFILES = ming.c

php_ming.so: ming.o
	${CC} -shared -fpic ming.o ../libming.a -o php_ming.so -lm

ming.o: ${CFILES}
	${CC} ${DEFINES} -c ming.c -I. -I.. ${includes} 

	rm -f php_ming.so

	cp php_ming.so ${extension} 
	echo "Don't forget to add 'extension=php_ming.so' to php.ini!"

Please notice the changes: two additional variables
(includes and extension) and a few
changes in the targets ming.o and