#native_company# #native_desc#

Dynamic Document Search Engine – Part 2 Page 5

By M.Murali Dharan
on February 25, 2004

Finally we have to display the results in the browser. Here is the code.




"<table width="100%"><tr><th class="title">Search Result</td></tr></table>";

"<br />";


    echo (
sizeof($FoundRef) == " reference" " references");

" found";



"Common words like";

$junkWords as $jWords)




"are removed from the search string";



$FoundRef as $a => $value)



"<tr><td valign="top">";

// echo $FoundRef[$a]["contid"];

        <a href=showref.php?refid=<?php echo $FoundRef[$a]["contid"]?>><emp><b>

        <?php echo $FoundRef[$a]["title"]?></b></emp></a><div align="right">


        <?php echo $FoundRef[$a]["occurance"?></div>

        <br /><small>

        <?php echo $FoundRef[$a]["summary"?>...</small>

        <br /><br />

        <?php echo "</td></tr>";


    <?php echo "</table>";

//end of isset FoundRef


Timer to Calculate the Time Taken to Search the Documents:
You can include a timer that calculates the time period to do the search operation. Here is the code.











The following function calculates the time in microseconds.


function getmicrotime()


$usec,$sec)=explode(" ",microtime());

    return ((float)

