Keyword Table:
CREATE TABLE keytable ( keyid mediumint NOT NULL auto_increment, keyword varchar(100) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (keyid), KEY keyword (keyword) ) TYPE=MyISAM;
Link Table:
CREATE TABLE link ( keyid mediumint NOT NULL, contid mediumint NOT NULL) TYPE=MyISAM
Preparing Database:
An input interface with HTML form is created to enter title and document. After filling and hitting enter,
the title and the abstract is stored in the content table. The generated new content id is stored in a variable
temporarily. In the next step and ??Upload Engine?? that parses each word in the abstract and process the whole text.
It removes common words like is, was, and, if, so, else, then etc. Then stores each word in wordmap array. See that every
word has only one
entry in the wordmap array.
the title and the abstract is stored in the content table. The generated new content id is stored in a variable
temporarily. In the next step and ??Upload Engine?? that parses each word in the abstract and process the whole text.
It removes common words like is, was, and, if, so, else, then etc. Then stores each word in wordmap array. See that every
word has only one
entry in the wordmap array.
For every word in the wordmap array, keyword table is parsed and math is found. If there is a match, the generated key id, and
content id generated id earlier is stored in the link table. Else, the new keyword is inserted in the keyword table and with
the generated keyword table and content id the link table is updated. And thus we finished preparing our database.
content id generated id earlier is stored in the link table. Else, the new keyword is inserted in the keyword table and with
the generated keyword table and content id the link table is updated. And thus we finished preparing our database.