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Cross-platform and Portable Development With PHP Page 7

By PHP Builder Staff
on July 20, 2001


Cross-platform development with PHP proved to be entirely possible. Cross-database development (as well) is trickier but by no means impossible. Our customer is now planning to deploy the same code on Linux where it is organisationally acceptable and not constrained by the Microsoft-only corporate `strategy’. PHP has caused us very little heartache. Our concerns about the insistence of running the database via a low bandwidth connection from the web server proved to be valid, but a workaround has been found. Our client has taken significant order volumes using this system and has now commissioned several extensions.
Overall, a success.

This article was republished with permission. The original is at http://development.gbdirect.co.uk/phpwin.html.


Mike Banahan has been involved in the Unix and Open Standards area since 1977. He has been an active member of the C and C++ standards committees and currently works on consulting and training projects through his company GBdirect. The company switched to using exclusively Open Source products in 1978, except where demanded by clients.
