Effectively, you connect to the database, and run a “SHOW TABLES” query. You then loop through the list of tables and for each one run another query “SELECT COUNT(*) FROM …”.
The results are formatted nicely in a table, if your phone supports it. I use this to find out if particular tables have been updated since I last checked. Enjoy !
You can see a screenshot here: http://www.mildewhall.com/nowhere/DBlist.jpg
<?php header("Content-type: text/vnd.wap.wml"); echo "<?xml version="1.0"?>"; echo "<!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN"" . " "";" target="_blank" target="_new">http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/wml_1.1.xml">"; ?> <wml> <template> <do type="prev" label="Previous"> <prev/> </do> </template> <card id="card2" title="DB Listing"><?php include 'SELECT_connector.inc'; mysql_connect("localhost", $DBUSER,$DBPASS); mysql_select_db("yourdatabase"); $query = "SHOW TABLES"; $result = mysql_query($query); $nr = mysql_num_rows($result); if ( $nr > 0 ) { $pointer++; print "<table columns="2">"; while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array($result) ) { $resultc = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $row[0]"); $cnt = mysql_fetch_array($resultc); print "<tr>"; print "<td>" . $row[0] . "</td><td>" . $cnt[0] . "</td>"; print "</tr>"; } print "</table>"; } @mysql_close(); ?> <small> <anchor>Main <go href="index.wml"/> </anchor> </small>
</card> </wml>