This script uses explode() and implode() to separate and combine elements for arrays.
About the searching of words you could always use and sql statement to search for a word/phrase and later use explode() and implode() to parse and format words in the result text.
$letters = "a b c";
$letters = explode(" ",$letters);
the result of the commands above would be an array named $letters[i] >>
$letters[0] = a
$letters[1]= b
$letters[2]= c
Implode() works in a similar way…
implode(separator, $variable-array);
$letters = implode(" ", $letters);
echo "letters = ".$letters;
REMEMBER that $letters is already an array because of the explode() function.
the result of the command above is:
letters = a b c
here’s the script…
//use this script to format the keyword(s) in your search
//per word
$quote = "a quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog";
$explode = explode(" ", $quote);
$count = count($explode);
echo "$count = number of words
echo "$explode[3] = explode elem #3
$bold_txt = "jumpeD";
for($i=0; $i<=($count-1); $i++){
if (strtoupper($explode[$i]) == strtoupper($bold_txt)) {
$explode[$i] = " ".$explode[$i]." ";
$implode = implode(" ", $explode);
echo "implode = $implode";
//per phrase
$phrase = "quick brown + lazy dog";//search term
$phrase2 = str_replace("+", " ", $phrase);
$explode_phrase = explode(" ", $phrase2);//separate by array
$count3 = count($explode_phrase);//count number of elements in an array
$quote2 = "a quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog";
$explode2 = explode(" ",$quote2);
$count2 = count($explode2);
for ($a=0;$a<=($count2-1);$a++) {
for ($c=0;$c<=($count3-1);$c++) {
//first elem of $explode_phrase_words to a matching word on the $quote2 text
if(strtoupper($explode_phrase[$c]) == strtoupper($explode2[$a])){
$explode2[$a] = " ".$explode2[$a]." ";
echo "searterm : $phrase
$implode2 = implode(" ", $explode2);
echo "implode = $implode2
echo "ksm2004";