One day, I found a site about Ming, a SWF output library and PHP module. Somehow, it attracted me, and gave me a driving force to try it immediately.
PHP Tutorials
Whether just getting started or an expert, this vast collection of PHP tutorials will help you create dynamic content for powerful web-based applications in no time.
One day, I found a site about Ming, a SWF output library and PHP module. Somehow, it attracted me, and gave me a driving force to try it immediately.
By Michael Tanoviceanu on September 12, 2000 Here at Soundbreak we stream out live audio and video 24 hours a day, so it didn’t take much convincing to be able to run some testing on MySQL’s new replication feature. We discoverd that we could use it to keep an up…
By Michael Tanoviceanu on September 12, 2000 Step Two: Configure The Slave. Go ahead and stop the MySQL server on the slave, and move the database directories you copied above to the data directory on the slave server. Be sure to change the ownership and group of the directories recursively…
By Michael Tanoviceanu on September 12, 2000 Step Three: Create A Mutual Master-Slave Relationship First go ahead and add ‘log-bin’ to the [mysqld] portion the my.cnf file on B and restart mysqld, then create the account for the replication user on it with: GRANT FILE ON *.* TO [email protected] IDENTIFIED…
By Michael Tanoviceanu on September 12, 2000 Step Five: An Improved Database Connection Routine <?php /******************************************************** function db_connect_plus() returns a link identifier on success, or false on error ********************************************************/ function db_connect_plus(){ $username = “username”; $password = “password”; $primary = “”; $backup = “”; $timeout = 15; // timeout in seconds if($fp = fsockopen($primary, 3306, &$errno, &$errstr, $timeout)){ fclose($fp); return $link = mysql_connect($primary, $username, $password); } if($fp = fsockopen($secondary, 3306, &$errno, &$errstr, $timeout)){ fclose($fp); return $link = mysql_connect($secondary, $username, $password); } return 0; } ?> This new and improved function gives us an adjustable timeout feature that the mysql_connect…
By Tim Perdue on July 30, 2000 Almost any developer knows that search engine placement is critical to the success of a web site. What many people don’t know is that a lot of search engines cannot index many database-driven pages (basically any page with a ‘?’ or ‘&’ in…
When debugging a site that’s live, viewing the progression of your script can save quite a bit of time, resulting in considerably less complaints.
One of the better inventions of the 21st Century is with no doubt PHP-Gtk. Created in March 2001, in an effort to show that PHP isn’t just a web
One of the better inventions of the 21st Century is with no doubt PHP-Gtk. Created in March 2001, in an effort to show that PHP isn’t just a web