PHP Snippets

Every PHP developer needs a good and reliable collection of code snippets. In this category, you will find 900+ copy and paste code snippets that will help in your next PHP project.

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I got the idea from the safeHTML snippet elsewhere in PHPbuilder. I wanted more control, and I wanted it to escape all other the extra < and >.

FormHandler is a PHP written quot module quot which allows you to create dynamic forms in an easy way So easy that you can build a fully working form including

This is a dirty page I threw together to validate an URL by actually checking the DNS rexcord fro the site supplied and then checking wether I get an for

Use this class to separate database processing from application logic Supports persistant and non-persistant connections error handling and logging action instance logging and tracking to debug any troublesome code Will

this snippet open connection to http freshmeat net read the content and grap the latest news You can see this working in http debian wsi net news at the bottom