#native_company# #native_desc#

phpMan: Unix Manual www interface

By Che, Dong
on June 25, 2002

Version: 4.0

Type: Full Script

Category: HTML

License: GNU General Public License

Description: This is a www interface for unix man command

// +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | phpMan:      Unix Manual / Perldoc / Info Web Interface                        |
// +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Copyright (C) 2002 Che, Dong [email protected]                               |
// +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or                  |
// | modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License                    |
// | as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2                 |
// | of the License, or (at your option) any later version.                         |
// |                                                                                |
// | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                |
// | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of                 |
// | GNU General Public License for more details.                                   |
// |                                                                                |
// | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License              |
// | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software                    |
// | Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.    |
// +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// $Id: phpMan.php,v 4.13 2002/06/24 16:49:07 chedong Exp $

* phpMan is a web interface of Unix command 'man', 'perldoc', 'info' and 'apropos'.
* This script makes it easier to read man pages which is lengthy and require you
* to use 'more' or 'pg' filters. Just try it if you feel hard to remember the command
* for page back or need to dump man page into text/html format.
* Tested on Linux and FreeBSD under php 4.x above.
* function list:
*     showForm ($parm, $check)              //show input form and recursive call
*     showHeader ( $title )                 //show html header css style
*     showFooter ( $validate )              //show html footer
*     getManPage ($parm, $docType)          //get html format man page
*     getInfoPage ($parm)                   //get html format info page
*     getPerldocPage ($parm)                //get html format perldoc page
*     getSearchPage ($parm)                 //get html format apropos page
*     getManIndex ()                        //get man page index
*     getPerldocIndex ()                    //get perldoc page index
*     getInfoIndex ()                       //get info page index
*     formatManPerldoc ($lines)             //formate man, perldoc and info output

// +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | parameter checking and format page output                                      |
// +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

//Show source of file
if ( $show == "source" ) {
    show_source ($SCRIPT_FILENAME);

//global title
$PHP_MAN_TITLE = "phpMan: Unix Manual / Perldoc / Info Web Interface";
//set MANWIDTH for man1.5+, default for 1024 * 768
$MAN_WIDTH = 132;
//use colored man page
//show xhtml 1.0 and css validator

//default options
$check[man] = "";
$check[perldoc] = "";
$check[info] = "";
$check[search] = "";

//page content
$content = "";

//set default doc type to man page
if ( !isset($docType) || $docType == "" ) {
    $docType = "man";

//remove arbitrary commands
if ( isset($parm) ) {
    $parm = escapeshellcmd($parm);
else {
    $parm = "";

* option checker and get manual page content, if no parameter: get index tree
* phpMan -- man     -- man page index: section list
*        |          - man page by section: command list(by search)
*        |            man page: specified command
*        - perldoc -- command list: (by search)
*        |          - perldoc page: specified module
*        - info    -- info page index: list
*        |          - info page:
*        - search  -- apropos search results: man page entrance list
switch ( $docType ) {
    case "man":
        $check[man] = " checked="checked"";
        //show man pages
        if ( $parm != "" ){
            $content = getManPage($parm);
        //redirect to search sections
        else {
            $content = getManIndex();
    case "perldoc":
        $check[perldoc] = " checked="checked"";
        if ( $parm != "" ) {
            //exec("perldoc $parm", $lines);
             $content = getPerldocPage($parm);
        else {
            //show all possable perl entrance by search keywords: 'pm' 'perl'
            $content = getPerldocIndex();
    case "info":
        $check[info] = " checked="checked"";
        if ( $parm != "" ){
            $content = getInfoPage($parm);
        else {
            $content = getInfoIndex();
    case "search":
        $check[search] = " checked="checked"";
        if ( $parm != "" ){
            $content = getSearchPage($parm);

// +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | show output                                                                    |
// +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
showForm($parm, $check);
echo "<hr /><pre>".$content."</pre><hr />";

// +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | sub functions                                                                  |
// +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

//show html header
function showHeader ( $show_style = 1 ) {
    global $PHP_MAN_TITLE;
    echo "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>".
        "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"".
        " "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">".
        "<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">".
        "<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"/>";
    if ( $show_style ) {
        echo "<style type="text/css">".
            "body {color:#000000;background-color:#EEEEEE} ".
            "b {color:#996600;background-color:#EEEEEE} ".
            "u {color:#008000;background-color:#EEEEEE} ".
    echo "</head><body><b>".
        "<a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpunixman/">$PHP_MAN_TITLE</a>".

//promter and recursive call
function showForm ($parm, $check) {
    echo "<form action="$PHP_SELF" method="get">".
    "<p>Command: ".
    "<input type="text" size="20" name="parm" value="".stripslashes($parm).""/>".
    "<input type="radio" name="docType" value="man"$check[man]/>".
    "<a href="?docType=man">man</a>".
    "<input type="radio" name="docType" value="perldoc"$checked[perldoc]/>".
    "<a href="?docType=search&amp;parm=perl">perldoc</a>".
    "<input type="radio" name="docType" value="info"$check[info]/>".
    "<a href="?docType=info">info</a>".
    "<input type="radio" name="docType" value="search"$check[search]/>".
    "<a href="?docType=man&amp;parm=apropos">search(apropos)</a>".
    "&nbsp;<input type="submit"/></p>".

//show footer
function showFooter ($show_validator = 0) {
    if ( $show_validator ) {
        echo "<a href="http://validator.w3.org/check/referer">".
        "<img style="border:0;width:88px;height:31px"".
        " src="http://www.w3.org/Icons/valid-xhtml10"".
        " alt="Valid XHTML 1.0!" /></a>".
        "<a href="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/">".
        "<img style="border:0;width:88px;height:31px"".
        " src="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/images/vcss"".
        " alt="Valid CSS!" /></a>";
    echo "<a href="$PHP_SELF?show=source">".
    "$Id: phpMan.php,v 4.13 2002/06/24 16:49:07 chedong Exp $".

//get specified command's man page and convert to html format
function getManPage ($parm) {
    global $MAN_WIDTH;
    exec("MANWIDTH=$MAN_WIDTH man $parm", $lines);
    $output = formatManPerldoc($lines, "man");
    return $output;

//get specified perl module's man page and convert to html format
function getPerldocPage ($parm) {
    exec("perldoc $parm", $lines);
    $output = formatManPerlDoc($lines, "perldoc");
    return $output;

//get specified command's info page
function getInfoPage ($parm) {
    exec("info $parm", $lines);
    $output = formatManPerlDoc($lines, "info");
    return $output;

* search specified keyword by apropos and convert output link to man pages
* Note: rebuild whatis database under root with:
* /usr/sbin/makewhatis -w
function getSearchPage ($parm) {
    $patterns = array(
        "/&/",  //html special char: '&' => '&gt;';
        "/</",  //html special char: '>' => '&lt;';
        "/>/",  //html special char: '<' => '&gt;';
        //for linux format of search output
        //'(command)' => man page of command;
    $replace = array(
        "124<a href="?docType=man&amp;parm=7 5">5</a>6(7)",
        "<a href="?docType=man&amp;parm=4 1">1</a>23"
    $cmd = "apropos ".$parm;
    //echo $cmd;
    exec($cmd, $lines);
    $output = "";
    $count = count($lines);
    for ( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i ++ ) {
        $output .= preg_replace($patterns, $replace, $lines[$i]);
        $output .= " <br />";
    return $output;

//link to man page list by searching section tag
function getManIndex () {
    $output .= "<a href="?docType=search&amp;parm=(1)">1 - General Commands</a> ".
        "<a href="?docType=man&amp;parm=1 intro">intro(1)</a>"."<br />";
    $output .= "<a href="?docType=search&amp;parm=(2)">2 - System Calls</a> ".
        "<a href="?docType=man&amp;parm=2 intro">intro(2)</a>"."<br />";
    $output .= "<a href="?docType=search&amp;parm=(3)">3 - Subroutines</a> ".
        "<a href="?docType=man&amp;parm=3 intro">intro(3)</a>"."<br />";
    $output .= "<a href="?docType=search&amp;parm=(4)">4 - Special Files</a> ".
        "<a href="?docType=man&amp;parm=4 intro">intro(4)</a>"."<br />";
    $output .= "<a href="?docType=search&amp;parm=(5)">5 - File Formats</a> ".
        "<a href="?docType=man&amp;parm=5 intro">intro(5)</a>"."<br />";
    $output .= "<a href="?docType=search&amp;parm=(6)">6 - Games</a> ".
        "<a href="?docType=man&amp;parm=6 intro">intro(6)</a>"."<br />";
    $output .= "<a href="?docType=search&amp;parm=(7)">7 - Macros and Conventions</a> ".
        "<a href="?docType=man&amp;parm=7 intro">intro(7)</a>"."<br />";
    $output .= "<a href="?docType=search&amp;parm=(8)">8 - Maintenance Commands</a> ".
        "<a href="?docType=man&amp;parm=8 intro">intro(8)</a>"."<br />";
    $output .= "<a href="?docType=search&amp;parm=(9)">9 - Kernel Interface</a> ".
        "<a href="?docType=man&amp;parm=9 intro">intro(9)</a>"."<br />";
    $output .= "<a href="?docType=search&amp;parm=(n)">n - New Commands</a><br />";
    return $output;

//get perldoc list by searching perl related keywords
function getPerldocIndex () {
    return getSearchPage("perl");

//get info page index page
function getInfoIndex () {
    exec("info", $lines);
    $patterns = array(
        "/&/",  //html special char: '&' => '&gt;';
        "/</",  //html special char: '>' => '&lt;';
        "/>/",  //html special char: '<' => '&gt;';
        "/(([a-z0-9_-]+))([a-z0-9_+]+)/", //'(group)command' => info page of command;
        "/(([a-z0-9_-]+))/"     //'(command)' => info page of command;
    $replace = array(
        "(<a href="?docType=info&amp;parm=1">1</a>)".
        "<a href="?docType=info&amp;parm=2">2</a>",
        "(<a href="?docType=info&amp;parm=1">1</a>)"
    $output = "";
    $count = count($lines);
    for ( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i ++ ) {
        $output .= preg_replace($patterns, $replace, $lines[$i]);
        $output .= " <br />";
    return $output;

//convert man perldoc output to html
function formatManPerldoc ( $lines, $docType = "man") {
    $patterns = array(
        "/&/",  //html special char: '&' => chr(5) => '&gt;';
        "/</",  //html special char: '>' => chr(6) => '&lt;';
        "/>/",  //html special char: '<' => chr(7) => '&gt;';
        //man page special chars
        "/.".chr(8).".".chr(8)."(.)".chr(8)."./",    // ?^H?^H?^H? => <b>?</b>
        "/_".chr(8)."(.)".chr(8)."./",    // _^H?^H? => <b>?</b>
        "/_".chr(8)."(.)/",  //_^H? => <u>?</u>
        "/.".chr(8)."(.)/",  //?^H? => <b>?</b>
        //reverse html special chars
        "/".chr(5)."/",  //reverse '&'
        "/".chr(6)."/",  //reverse '<'
        "/".chr(7)."/",  //reverse '>'
        //removed duplicated html tag
        "/</u><u>/",       // '</u><u>' => ''
        "/<u>_</u><b>/",   // '<u>_</u><b>' => '<b>_'
        "/</b><b>/",       // '</b><b>' => ''
        //transfer related command to hyperlinks, but $b->func(#) will not be translate.
        //'<b>command</b>(<b>#</b>),</b>' => ' command(#)' => link to command
        //Man Page Howto: http://www.schweikhardt.net/man_page_howto.html
        //translate link to related perl modules, but $obj->Module::Name-> will not be translate
        //'<u>Module::Name</u>' => ' Module::Name'

    $replace = array(
        "1<a href="?docType=man&amp;&amp;parm=3 2">2(3)</a>",
        "3<a href="?docType=$docType&amp;&amp;parm=4">4</a>"
    $output = "";
    $count = count($lines);
    for ( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i ++ ) {
        $output .= preg_replace($patterns, $replace, $lines[$i]);
        $output .= " <br />";
    return $output;