#native_company# #native_desc#

Cached Dynamic Modules Page 4

on July 30, 2000

The parse_it function scans the string to see if any tag occurs, and if it does, break
down the tagname in $fun and its optional parameters into the associated array $arglist.


function parse_it ($str) {


    if (eregi ("<[Mm][Yy]-([A-Za-z0-9]*) ([^>]*)"$str$regs)) {

$tag $regs[1];

        if (!
$loaded[$tag]) {


$loaded[$tag] = 1;


        $fun "handle_$tag";

$list explode (" "strtolower ($regs[2]));

$cache_file "cache/$tag";

        for ($i 0$i count ($list); $i++) {

            if (
$argname strtok ($list[$i], "=")) {

$arglist[$argname] = strtok ("=");

                if (
$argname != "cache") {

$cache_file .= "_" $argname "=" $arglist[$argname];




        $buf "<!-- $tag start here //-->n";

$buf .= $fun ($arglist);

$buf .= "n<!-- $tag ends here //-->n";


    } else {





This function calls the function $tag directly in the file included from res/$tag/$tag.php
and uses the output to return to the parse main loop.
As you notice, the variable $cache_file is also being built pointing to cache/$tag…
where … is a string combining all parameters to form a unique cache entry for this tag. To
actually use the cache, we must add some code between the end of the for loop and the creation of $buf:


$read_cache 0;

$write_cache 0;

if (!(isset (
$arglist["cache"]) && ($arglist["cache"] < 10))) {

$write_cache 1;

    if (
file_exists ($cache_file)) {

        if (!isset (
$arglist["cache"])) {

            if ((
filemtime ($cache_file) + $default_cache_time) > date ("U")) {

$read_cache 1;

$write_cache 0;


        } else {

            if ((
filemtime ($cache_file) + $arglist["cache"]) > date ("U")) {

$read_cache 1;

$write_cache 0;




